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Mahatma I AM Reiki: Healing for Wellness

Mahatma I AM Reiki: Healing for Wellness in Northern Ireland Mahatma Reiki Northern Ireland Reiki Hippie Reiki Blog
Mahatma Reiki

Mahatma Reiki is a marriage of the system of Reiki and the integrated energy of the "I AM Presence" called Mahatma.

The marriage of the nine Reiki symbols and the opportunity available through the "I AM Presence" - Mahatma, gives you the tools to make the changes needed with grace.

Many of you may already be familiar with Reiki. Most of you will have been working

with the Usui system, or a system based on Usui, perhaps with extra symbols. You

therefore, already appreciate the wonderful gifts Reiki brings to your life in many ways.

Mahatma Reiki brings all the wonderful gifts you've been experiencing plus many


It is a frequency of divine energy for healing, whose purpose is to empower.

For those of us choosing to work/live and have our "being" in the light, Mahatma Reiki gives you a profound spiritual toolkit to work with. It is a particularly integrated energy to assist you in remembering who you really are.

Reiki creates a "bridge" between our human existence and our oneness with God/Spirit the Universal Presence. By using symbols this attunement to our Godself is made, and becomes a simple and accessible tool for healing on all levels.

Mahatma Reiki, allows alignment and integration in the physical, emotional and mental levels of our being, so that we can more fully access our spiritual potential. Through using this energy in your life on a daily basis you begin to realize who you really are. The word empowerment is the closest description we have to describe this experience.

Mahatma Reiki, and the nine symbols used in this system, creates the bridge for the specific healing of issues, and the empowerment necessary for the profound changes in evolution, we are going through. These changes relate not only to our issues of wholeness and relationship but now encompass opportunities such as Ascension.

Now, as at no time before upon our planet, the opportunity for healing and integration of all aspects of our being, is being made available to all who choose it. Divine equality is Universal Law; no one is better or worse than another.

We all are divine expressions of our creator and have within us the "I AM Presence". In the past we worshipped beings who are but a few steps ahead of us on the spiritual path.

Mahatma I AM Reiki: Healing for Wellness in Northern Ireland

The Ascended Masters continue working diligently through the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist us in our evolution. Since the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, the planet Earth has graduated and become 4th dimensional.

This has allowed many openings for light to be anchored on earth and within us. We are rapidly approaching the time when we too will be graduating. Many will be choosing the opportunity of Ascension and assisting others in this process: thus creating an "ascension popcorn effect."

One of the unique qualities of Mahatma Reiki, that is also true of Usui and the other forms of Reiki is the process of "attunements".

You can read every book on Reiki and study the symbols but you will not have Reiki. It is during the process of the attunement that a Master/Teacher passes on the gift of Reiki.

You become attuned to the frequency of Reiki, and will experience this healing power in your hands and body, profound peace plus an expanded level of awareness.

Therefore to receive Mahatma Reiki, you will need to experience an attunement from a qualified Master/Teacher, usually in a class.

Mahatma Reiki includes:

Ascended Master Ascension Attunements

Archangel & Elohim Activations

Soul Star Mantras

12 Chakra & DNA Activations

Ascension Seats

Fire letters, key codes & sacred geometry

Core Fear Matrix Removal Program

Order of Melchizedek

Light Packets from Sirius

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