'The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another'
Vervain is an ancient plant and has been used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years to treat nervous problems & insomnia
It is one of the 12 Healers which fit your essential nature
Vervain brings relaxation, mellowness and objectivity to those who are unable to relax
It is recommended for those who are fanatical in their beliefs and end up feeling tense, stressed, worn out and strained
It helps those who hold fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident they are right and will very rarely change, fanatical, reformers, martyrs, idealists
The push themselves to the brink of breakdown
They do not listen to other people's advice, but try to convert them
They wish to convert all those around them to their views and display courage when they are convinced of things they wish to teach
The main symptoms display as tension, irritation, headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, nervousness, restleness, high blood pressure, colds and stuttering
Down each side of the neck and on to the left shoulder blade
Place on the décolletage, higher heart and underneath and around heart chakra, not on heart chakra, that's for honeysuckle
The person in need of this Bach Flower Remedy is so passionate about an idea that he will exhaust his own resources in its pursuit
I practice moderation in thought and action
I harmonize my will with the universal will
I allow others to follow their own beliefs
I feel relaxed, open and balanced

Useful around the Full & New Moon