The Reiki Hippie

May 21, 2022


Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Working with your Intuition

In a previous blog we explored the traditional Japanese Reiki scanning technique, Byosen Reikan Ho, which is basically an intellectual activity.

By focusing your intent on various types of sensations you may experience in your hands and through long and dedicated practice, it is possible to make a link between these sensations and your clients medical conditions

We will now discuss a related, but more intuitive scanning technique known as ‘Reiji Ho’, which means ‘indication of the spirit’.

In contrast with Byosen, Reiji Ho is far from being an intellectual activity.

It involves emptying your head, keeping your intellect well out of the way and simply merging with the energy, allowing it to guide your hands directly to the correct places to treat, even before you have scanned the body to see what is going on.

The vast majority of people who try this technique find that it works for them almost immediately.

And anyone can do this with a bit of practice.

Dedicated practice in Reiji Ho can result in the following abilities:

a). To allow the flow of Reiki through your hands to guide you to problem areas, even before the client has been scanned

b). To know instinctively what the problem is, to intuit or to ‘see’ what the disease is

Reiji Ho

There are two different types of Reiji Ho technique that are commonly practiced. They both bring about the same end result, so please practice with them both and see which one you feel works best for you

Reiji Ho #1

• Fold your hands in front of your chest/heart (a traditional gesture known as Gassho), close your eyes and connect to the Reiki source

• Ask that all that takes place to be for the Highest Good of all concerned

• Move your hands up so that they are in front of your Third Eye and ask the Reiki energy to guide your hands to where it is needed most. Say something like, ‘Please let me be guided’ or ‘Please let my hands be guided to where they are needed’

• Blank your mind and hover your hands over the client, allowing your hands to be moved of their own accord.

Reiji Ho #2

• Connect to the source of Reiki and state your intention/affirmation • Become one with the energy, focus yourself on intuitively knowing where the problem is

• Hover your hands over the client and let them be guided and moved by the energy to areas of need

• Focus on being open to the source of the problem – what is the


Using Reiji Ho in Practice

Reiji Ho and Byosen Reikan Ho, may be used at the start of all Reiki treatments if desired, as a means of locating areas of need, to develop an insight into your clients condition and as practice to develop your intuitive ability.

The techniques can also be used at intervals throughout the treatment, in order to assess the clients energy needs and to see how their energy priorities have changed as a result of the treatment

The following procedure works well:

• Start a treatment by resting your hands on the shoulders for a


• While treating the head and shoulders, be guided to any

variations that may seem appropriate

• Use Byosen and Reiji on the torso

Whenever you feel that you should move on to a new treatment

position, use Reiji or Byosen to locate the next area of need

Reiji Ho or Byosen?

It is difficult to predict whether you are most likely to develop the ability to use Reiji or Byosen. The Reiji ability may come through the regular practice of Byosen, by focusing your attention on what is going on in your hands, by opening yourself fully to the energy and to intuitive knowledge, becoming one with the energy and through regular and dedicated practice.

It would appear that it is relatively easy to develop an ability to be guided by the energy into specific and positions for each person, but the other aspect of Reiji, of actually knowing or seeing what the problem is, is something else entirely