The Reiki Hippie

Jan 14, 2023

Blue Monday Flower Remedies for Mid-Winter Wellness

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

Let's celebrate Blue Monday, who cares if you haven't stuck to your New Year's Resolution, it's mid-winter - don't beat yourself up!

Who cares if you over indulged at Christmas, it's called being human!

It's too cold and bleak at this time of year to deprive yourself of anything!

The time to start new is at Imbolc, it'll be much easier then to stick to goals, as we are already seeing a stretch in the days which will be longer by 1/2 February

Imbolc is the half way point between the winter solstice & spring equinox, the celebration of light & the first spark of spring

If you need some support & emotional assistance until then I've list below the Bach Flower Remedies which help with this time of year:

Elm: feeling overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time

Do you feel you are normally on top of things, but lately you are overwhelmed & exhausted?

Sometimes we can hit a wall of acute exhaustion

Maybe you feel you're in the middle of a nervous breakdown

Are you holding tension in your body, suffer from insomnia or just downright irritable?

Have you got a sore throat or the cold?

Gentian: small setbacks have you feeling discouraged

Oh my oh my you're filled with doubt & gloom & discouragement!

Hornbeam: feelings of tiredness and exhaustion, just can’t get the day started (not as deep as Olive)

Take when you are fed up & think you can't cope, when you are suffering from mental fatigue, low blood pressure, circulation problems, tired eyes, fatigue, bad posture, hearing problems & vision issues

Mustard: sudden onset depression that seems to come and go with no apparent cause

Used for mental clarity

This Essence helps with depression, fatigue, weakness & slow moments

The wondering where the gloom has descended from, or why you are in a funk


Olive: deep feelings of exhaustion (similar to chronic fatigue syndrome)

If you find yourself saying...I haven't an ounce of strength left in me, I'm exhausted...use OLIVE FLOWER REMEDY to help you feel rested & supported

If you feel totally mentally & physically exhausted

Pine: Feelings of guilt for things that are not your fault (taking on the blame for all things in your life)

Used for getting rid of a sense of guilt

For self blame, exhaustion & weakness

Pine is for being self critical or overly apologetic

White Chestnut: repeating unwanted thoughts that you can’t stop

'One's actions ought to come out of an achieved stillness not be mere rushing on'

Aspen: the feeling that something terrible is going to happen

The Druids believed Aspen to represent Courage & Endurance'

'The Aspen tress is characterized by its trembling leaves. Folklore says it is a tree that can never rest'

As one of the Second Nineteen this helps with emotional conditions arising in everyday life

Aspen has been used traditional for anxiety & unknown fears

Cherry Plum: fear that you could lose control of your emotions and/or actions

Traditionally used to bring calmness & sanity

If you fear the thought of losing control of things

If you are very tense & restless

Larch: a general lack of self-esteem

Would you like a bit of the I'll try anything self confidence?

Do you lack self worth?

Are you fed up thinking I couldn't do that and your ready for a change?